Learn how to solve common connection issues with our integrations.

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Learn how to solve common connection issues with our integrations.

Occasionally, you may encounter issues when trying to connect Detrics to our integrated platforms. This is normal and can be fixed.

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How to fix Google connection issues

Usually, removing access to Detrics and reconnecting the platform solves most problems encountered with Google Products. Follow these 5 simple steps:

Note: These steps show the Google Ads case but they also apply for Google Analytics and Google Sheets.

1. Go to this link and look for "Detrics". Go to each of the found items and then remove all access.

This action will remove access to all Google products integrated with Detrics. Don't worry, your queries and schedules will not be eliminated.

2. If you haven't launched a spreadsheet yet, open a new google spreadsheet or click here

3. Fire up Detrics: Select Extensions > Detrics > Launch me!

4. Click on your profile and then "Connect Data Source".

5. Select the data source you are experiencing issues with and re-connect it.

6. Grant access to Google Ads.

After the authentication flow, return to Sheets and click on "Finished? Click here!". 💡 Important: Remember to reconnect Analytics and Google Sheets if they were previously linked.

If you still experience issues with our Google Products integrations you can contact us via email

How to fix Facebook connection issues

Access to Facebook can expire for various reasons. For instance, if you change your Facebook password, you'll need to reconnect Detrics. Additionally, Facebook may revoke access without any apparent reason, especially when you've recently connected Detrics for the first time.

Based on our users' experiences, this can occur occasionally when you first start using Detrics. However, over time, Facebook tends to allow access for increasingly longer periods. We understand it's inconvenient and unfortunately, it's beyond our control.

Follow these 5 simple steps to re-connect Facebook Ads and fix all your Facebook queries in one go:

You've probably received this email

1. Go to this link and click on "Remove access"

2. Open a new google spreadsheet or click here

3. Fire up Detrics: Select Extensions > Detrics > Launch me!

4. Click on "Connect Data Source"

Select "Connect Data Source"

5. Select "Connect Facebook Ads"

This will redirect you to our web app. Please follow instructions, come back to the spreadsheet and click on "Finished? Click here!". You can test if the issue is fixed by creating a simple Facebook query and verifying that you get results.

Select "Connect Facebook Ads"

If you still experience issues with our Facebook Ads integration contact us via email

How to fix Linkedin connection issues

If you see this message, you may need to renew access to LinkedIn.

Due to the platform's privacy policy, access must be renewed every two months.

Follow these 3 simple steps to re-connect Linkedin Ads and fix all your Linkedin queries:

1. Go to this link and click on "Remove access"

2. Open a new google spreadsheet or click here

3. Fire up Detrics: Select Extensions > Detrics > Launch me!

4. Click on "Connect Data Source"

Select "Connect Data Source"

5. Select "Connect Linkedin Ads"

This will redirect you to our web app. Please follow instructions, come back to the spreadsheet and click on "Finished? Click here!".

You can test if the issue is resolved by creating a simple LinkedIn query and verifying that you get results.

If you still experience issues with our Linkedin Ads integration you can contact us via email

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