

Unlimited integrations and unlimited accounts, only pay for what you use

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Data Rookie 🐤

Yes, free forever. Start making data driven decisions right away.

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Sheets Extension & Looker Connector
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35 Data Imports / Month
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Data Ninja 🥷

Empower your growing business with more data imports.

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All Features & Integrations
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Sheets Extension & Looker Connector
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Single User
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1.000 Data Imports / Month
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Email Support
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Data Dojo 🏯

Collaborate with your team and boost productivity.

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All Features & Integrations
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Sheets Extension & Looker Connector
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Multiple Users (same domain @)
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5.000 Data Imports / Month
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Slack Support
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Data Enterprise 🏢
Our most advanced solution, built for the needs of Enterprises.
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Custom Data Imports / Month
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Slack Support & Virtual Trainings
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Personalized Data Alerts
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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I exceed my data imports limit?

If you are a Data Ninja 🥷, Data Dojo 🏯 or Data Enterprise 🏢, we won't block your executions. We know how catastrophic that might be for your dashboards and automated systems.

First, we'll notify you by email when you have consumed 50%, and 90% of your limit. If on a given month you've surpassed your limit we'll get in contact with you so that you can pay 10 bucks for every 1.000 additional data imports above your plan limit.

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What can I do with 1.000 data imports?

Well let's say that you want to use those data imports for two different motives. One is having dashboards that are automated and the other is to use Detrics to download Ad Hoc data and do quick data analysis sessions.

We know that on average our users make around 50 data imports manually for data analysis sessions per month.

Then, you are left with 950 data imports to automate with triggers and keep your dashboards refreshed. If we assume that each dashboard needs 3 automated data imports from 3 different sources, then with 950 data imports a month you can create either:

- 316 monthly refreshed dashboards.
- 79 weekly refreshed dashboards.
- 10 daily refreshed dashboards.

Depending on your business needs, you can create different combinations and take maximum advantage of your data imports.

PS: Simple Usage Calculator on the making... 🤖

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What can I do with 5.000 data imports?

Well let's say that you want to use those data imports for two different motives. One is having dashboards that are automated and the other is to use Detrics to download Ad Hoc data and do quick data analysis sessions.

We know that on average our users make around 50 data imports manually for data analysis sessions per month.

Then, you are left with 4.950 data imports to automate with triggers and keep your dashboards refreshed. If we assume that each dashboard needs 3 automated data imports from 3 different sources, then with 4.950 data imports a month you can create either:

- 1.650 monthly refreshed dashboards.
- 412 weekly refreshed dashboards.
- 58 daily refreshed dashboards.
- 2 hourly refreshed dashboard.

Depending on your business needs, you can create different combinations and take maximum advantage of your data imports.

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Are there going to be additional charges for future integrations?

No. We plan to integrate many more platforms like: Amazon Ads, Shopify, WooCommerce and more. They are all going to be included in the Data Ninja 🥷,Data Dojo 🏯 and Data Enterprise 🏢 plans.

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What is a Data Import and how do you calculate it?

In short, the amount of times that you execute a query and import data into your spreadsheet. This might be manual executions, where you execute your queries through our UI or automatic executions, that you can program through our app and are run programmatically on our servers.

To learn more check out our support article.

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I've already subscribed to Data Dojo 🏯, how do I add users to my plan?

First of all, welcome to our amazing Data Dojo Plan. Contact us at specifying a list of emails and we'll add them to your workspace for you!

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What is a Dataplug?

A Dataplug is a thing that plugs data into your sheets with magic

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What is the best plan for me?

Start using Detrics for free right away and once you get to the data imports limit we'll let you know.

We've created our free plan for two reasons.

1 - So that anyone can try our app before purchasing a subscription and make sure that they are making the right decision.
2 - If you are not planning to pay for our service because you don't need that many data imports, then you can automate those boring manual data uploads that annoy your day to day life. Ultimately we do it out of our love for automation and more creative space in your day❤️.

You can progressively upgrade your subscription as you use Detrics.

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How do I start using Detrics?

Go to this link to install Detrics and then follow this steps:
1 - Go to the "Extensions" tab in your Google Sheets document.
2 - Find the Detrics tab.
3 - Click on "Launch me"
4 - Start working the magic

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Do I need a credit card to start using Detrics?

No way. You can install Detrics in the Google Workspace Marketplace at anytime and start automating annoying manual data imports right away.

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