Get started

 min read
Get started

Welcome to our onboarding article!

In this article you'll learn how to install Detrics, how to connect your data sources, and how to craft your first query. The process is straightforward and efficient, setting you on the path from Rookie 🐤 to Ninja 🥷.

Quick Navigation Index:

Install Detrics

1. Go to Google Workspace Marketplace

2. Click on "Install"

3. Choose a Google Account to Connect with Detrics

4. Allow the required permissions

Step 1. Click on "Continue"
Step 2. Click on "Allow"

Continue to the following section to learn how to launch Detrics and connect your first Datasource.

Launch Detrics and connect a Data source

1. Fire up a spreadsheet. Go to: "Extensions > Detrics > Launch me!"🚀

If you don't see the "Launch me! 🚀" button refresh your browser!
2. Click on "Link your channels"
3. Connect the Data source you want to import data from, you'll be redirected to our web app, please follow all the steps and come back
3. Once finished, come back to Detrics and click on "Finished? Click Here!"
4. Now you are ready to create your first query

Alright, you've made it to the home stretch! Let's pull it all together and fire off your first query with Detrics. It's smooth sailing from here, just a few clicks and you'll be crunching data like a pro.

Create your first query

1. Select Data source. Data will be collected from this datasource and inserted into your spreadsheet. If you want to connect a new Data source click on the plus button.
2. Select which account/s you wish to import data from. You can select as many as you need. Pro tip: click on the input and press enter to select all accounts
3. Select Dimensions
4. Select metrics. You can also check the orange filter icon if you want to filter the query's data. Pro tip: Hover over each metric for more details.
5. Select Timeframe.
(Optional) Select 'Between' to access advanded options.
6. Select Filters
7. Execute Query

Once the query completes, you will see your data laid out in the spreadsheet. This is where your data starts to tell its story. From here, you have a suite of options to further explore and present your findings:

  • For an advanced visual interpretation, connect your spreadsheet to Looker Studio and create custom dashboards that bring your data to life.
  • Feel free to enrich your dataset with auxiliary columns to the right of the main table. Rest assured, Detrics is designed to leave these enhancements untouched.
  • Utilize the built-in features of Google Sheets to construct charts and timelines, enabling immediate visual analysis.
  • For presentations or sharing, you can also embed your Google Sheets charts directly into Google Slides.
You are one leap closer to mastering the art of the Data Ninja 🥷

After executing your query successfully, you'll be presented with the option to "Schedule It!" This allows you to automate your query to run at regular intervals—hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly—thus ensuring your data is always fresh. By choosing a preferred update time, you can tailor the automation to your schedule, keeping your report continuously updated and ready for analysis. This feature is key to maintaining an evergreen dataset, allowing you to focus on insights rather than data retrieval.

If you've encountered any issues while executing your query, or notice anything unusual about our app, we are always active and respond very quickly to our mailbox.

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